Jessamyn’s 2018
in Bullet Points and Hyperlinks
3 min readMay 11, 2018
I realized that I have a hard time sometimes remembering what I have been up to. People ask and I am like “…” This is a list to help me remember and a place to tuck links if I need them.
- Spoke to my congressman about the importance of Net Neutrality and got VLA supporting it.
- Two webinars in two weeks! One for Wisconsin and one for New York.
- Led a discussion at my local library about Verizon’s Without a Net movie.
- Got a grant to do drop-in time for another two years from the Apgar Foundation.
- More privacy talks: Starksboro
- Gave Tom Rush a big hug when house managing for his show.
- Made my book available via CC license thanks to a crowdfunding effort.
- Counted votes after Town Meeting. Took some photos
- Participated in a Cybertraps for Librarians event at Simmons.
- Joined the town’s Conservation Commission and set about fixing up their website.
- Went to Toronto for Tech Forum (video) and came back via Montréal and had a good time with Jim.
- Did a short talk for an Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thon
- Celebrated anniversary with Jim at the Wayside.
- Was interviewed by Author’s Alliance about rights reversion.
- Did a podcast with Mathowie about trivia.
- Gave a keynote for ULU
- Joined VT Humanities Council.
- Went to Hawai’i
- Wrote a thing for ALA’s Choose Privacy Week.
- Did a fancy wedding at BPL
- Privacy talk in Brattleboro
- Equifax case concluded
- VLA conference and brag deck
- Spoke to librarians and library students in Mexico via Skype.
- Rewrote my will.
- Redesigned jessamyn.com
- Worm Release & Memorial Day BBQ events
- Won Equifax case.
- Privacy talk in Richmond and seven visited libraries.
- New York Times covers story.
- I get my check!
- On-boarding begins for GitHub stuff. It’s ridiculous.
- 4th of July with Gabriel Clan.
- I start work at GitHub.
- I stop working at GitHub.
- First meeting with VHC
- I start contracting at Glitch
- I eat a peafowl egg
- start work on 50 by 50 project
- finish work on 50 x 50
- PawSox with Deb and Kate and Jim and Matt
- Hit in face with disc golf disc
- Birthday mini-golf and Bittersweet Farm dinner & cake
- Birthday bowling
- VHC orientation
- VHC meeting
- Pick up some IA work
- Two more privacy talks
- Talk to Jesse Ventura about the digital divide
- Anxiety meds stuff
- Sharyn visit
- Ola party
- Trial for Drive-In Stuff
- 251 Club Banquet
- Worked the polls
- TSLAC webinar
- VT Humanities Conf.
- Singapore webinar
- Kate Thanksgiving
- Jimsmas
- Quickie Hannukah
- DC trip and Bush hearse sighting
- VHC Inclusion/Access committee pitch (successful!)
- Ronni in Windover
- Bird count and RCC bird walk
- Pick up some library shifts
- Xmas in Westport
- Boxing Day with Gabriels
- Sophi/Kristen and Leo/David/Natalie
- New Years Eve at home with toxic sparklers