[Berlin Balloon Race from Bain Collection Library of Congress]

Jessamyn’s 2019

in Bullet Points and Hyperlinks

Jessamyn West


This worked out well last year, so I am doing it again.


  • Teaching Excel to Jess, iPhones to Sandy, tablet to Ynez
  • Hanover visit with Joanne
  • 15 Wikipedia articles in 15 days (and #1Lib1Ref)
  • Meals at Sara’s
  • Library potlucking





  • MD/DE talk went very well
  • Won 100 lbs of cheese 🧀
  • NHLA talk went great + bonus bog walk
  • Take home colonoscopy test
  • Road Rally in Chelsea
  • VLA conference + passports + brag deck+ scams talk
  • Dinner with Alice
  • First cheese delivery
  • One Town at a Time premiere
  • Windsor Library sub
  • Dick Todd’s service


  • Miss VT pageant house manage
  • Milton Schwartz research
  • Tour of American Precision Museum
  • Greg memorial service
  • Headed to Westport June 20
  • Joined 251 Board (declined ED role)


  • Gabriels for 4th with Jim
  • Forrest visit (new light switch)
  • Ridge has AC
  • MEFI20 & Kate visit
  • Long great weekend with Jim
  • French Warm Showers folks
  • Shingles pain comes back, I fight with it





  • Rusty at Chandler & Jim long weekend
  • Long Kimball staff meeting
  • Marketplace interview
  • VHC conference slightly long
  • Stayed with Dave/Linda
  • First 251 Club board meeting
  • ENT says “You are fine”
  • Thanksgiving & Buy Nothing Day at Kate’s place


  • Jimsmas!
  • Eyeballs are OK
  • Xmas bird count
  • Third (or fourth) cheese delivery
  • Made some money with Respondent.io
  • Solstice bonfire
  • Westport holidaytime, lighting all eight Hannukah candles

Year-end Lists



Jessamyn West

Rural tech geek. Librarian resistance member. Collector of mosses. Enjoyer of postcards. ✉️ box 345 05060 ✉️ jessamyn.com & librarian.net